• Shoes should be removed before stepping into the Dojo.
• When late for class, bow in, do 10 push ups, and wait for the instructor to bow you in.
• Always address the head instructor as Sensei.
• Always pay strict attention to the instructor and not to other distractions.
• Never leave the class for a break, water, or any early dismissal, except with permission.
• Students should remove all jewelry before class, for their own safety and that of others.
• No smoking, profanity or gum in the Dojo.
• Practice what you are taught.
• No sparring allowed without permission (ask an instructor for permission). Students must wear full protective equipment.
• Never lose your temper in the Dojo, especially in self-defense, or free sparring.
• Students must always keep their finger and toenails clipped and clean.
• No horseplay in the Dojo.
• Do not use the equipment unless authorized by an instructor. Do not borrow another person’s equipment without his/her permission.
• Never talk during class except to ask or answer questions, or to discuss martial arts.
• Do not ask to test. Your instructor will always inform you when you are ready.
• As a sign of respect and responsibility, dues should be paid on time.
• If you are the last to leave the Dojo, lock the front door and turn off the lights.
There are several black belts associated with the school, but most of the classes are taught by Master Allyson who is great with her students and has been a long-time contributor to the growth of the style. As a result, she is great technically, as well as is able to help everyone understand why things are done one way or another. All the students get individual attention, and it shows — not everyone is a natural athlete, but everyone looks sharp. It’s great having all the other black and brown belts to learn from, and the school is a nice, safe, supportive community.
There are adult students as well as a tweens class, and it is a wonderful mix. The kids are so physical, but fun and a little silly, while the adults are a little less physical but more grown up in their approach to learning — and everyone learns from and looks out for each other.